
Funeral Home Houston, Tx

Sharing the Moments With Memorials

Transportation Services

Our funeral home facilitates transporting loved ones to their final resting place. In this difficult time, we are here to assist you. .

about us

Why Us:

At Bailey-Rose Family Funeral Home at 5th ward in Houston, we strive to get every detail right the first time, every time. That's why we offer every family we serve a 100% service guarantee. Should any detail of our service not meet the expectations as promised in our agreement, we’ll do everything we can to make it right. Call us anytime to discuss your particular needs or to set up an Arrangement Conference. We’ll come up with just the right plan for your family’s particular situation.

Gravesides in Houston, TX

We are here to assist with all the funeral arrangements. Providing a meaningful graveside service to honor your loved deceased one, we can include services such as military rituals, readings from family members, religious leaders, or masonic rites.

Gravesides in Houston, TX

This is not confined to the greater affairs of life, such as burning at the stake, but includes the little affairs of every-day life

How easy it is for man to conclude it is the will of God for him to do a certain thing when perhaps it is only the will of sense! Remember, God's ways are not as our ways. It seems to be a most reasonable thing to the minister that he should go home to his family.

How easy it is for him to believe it is God's will that he should go! At least, it has been so many times with the writer. He has too often obeyed the human desire and disobeyed God. Such disobedience, if such it may be called, is not sin, since the will of God is not known, but it is being led by the impulse of sense and is detrimental to spirituality.

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God would have us look more earnestly to him in order to know his will.

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To enjoy nearness to God we must not be influenced by any will of sense.

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It may be the will of sense to remain, that prevents your knowing God's will.

A sanctified man is tempted to impatience. He feels a sense of impatience, not carnal, but as an impulse of sense in the self-life. When some one does something contrary to your pleasure or wishes, you may have feelings of displeasure or impatience.

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The patience of a mother is sometimes tried by the conduct of a child. The trying of patience is simply feelings of impatience in the self-life

I have been asked whether it is possible for us to attain such a degree of perfection that we should never speak a harsh, impatient word or a light word, or be the least intemperate in any way. My answer is that by much prayer, by close watching, and earnest resisting.

That will be the sense that can be so weakened and the soul become so habituated to act under a sense of the divine will that foolish or impatient words, impulsive actions, or any intemperance will be very few and far between. This is being strong in the grace of God.

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But as long as you are here in the flesh, you will be tempted.

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Your spiritual powers would weaken if they had nothing to resist.

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All these attacks upon the will of sense are made by the devil.

He will use some external object to try you. He may withhold temptation for a long time in order that you may become careless and cease to watch and pray, and thus in a measure lose your power of resistance. Then he will come in with a slight attack, so slight you will not detect it in your weakened state.

The purpose of a funeral is to commemorate the life of a loved one who has passed away. It is a time for family and friends to gather together to offer support to one another and to remember the deceased. A funeral provides an opportunity for those who are grieving to say goodbye and to find comfort in one another.

Call Us Now or Fill In The Form and One Of Our Staffs Will Get In Touch ASAP. Do know this, We stand ready to assist you. +1 713-842-7871

about us

Why Plan Ahead

Don't you think it's important that you make the decisions about your final arrangements? These arrangements will reflect your exact wishes and desires. Planning ahead of time will take away some of the stress from your loved ones, as well as eliminate any potential disagreements. Pre-payment will keep costs down, and it won't be a financial burden to your family. When you plan ahead, you can be sure that your wishes will be fulfilled.

Benifits of Plannning in Advance

Nowadays, more people and households are opting to prearrange funerals than they have ever before. Factors such as inflation, fewer extended family members living nearby, and other alterations to society mean that arranging your own or somebody else's funeral can be a wise decision. Below are some of the most frequent explanations individuals give for prearranging a funeral:

  • Make sure to express what you want!
  • Help your friends and family feel less stressed during an already emotional time.
  • You can take the financial burden off your loved ones.
  • Take wise decisions when you're thinking clearly, rather than when under pressure.

Things You Should Know:

If you or a family member is looking to get help from SSI or Medicaid in TEXAS, it's required that the applicant/recipient must have irrevocable assets. According to federal and state law, assets specifically meant for funeral expenses won't be considered as resources when assessing eligibility. Setting aside money for burial costs is now much easier. If you have any questions, just let us know.